Monday, August 22, 2016

a moment

Johnny Karate, lolling in the tub. He did not expect to be suddenly covered in catnip! Oh, the meeping and writhing. Oh, the licking and rolling. Now he's looking off into space, occasionally twitching, cleaning his paws without a care. High cat, living the kitty dream.


  1. I just put Advantage on Norbert's neck. It threw him into a rage and he isn't speaking to me now. I told him it is his own fault for sneaking outside (he is an indoor cat) but he is having none of it. He is sulking somewhere in the house while fleas die.

    1. I need to treat Johnny - I have seen a few fleas this month - but he hasn't got him in it to sulk. His place is as close to me as he can get, as far as he is concerned.

  2. My cat, Marley (I did not name her! She was dumped with a name tag - what are ya gunna do?)is so old that she has become immune and just thinks it's part of dinner now.

    1. Fuck, I hate that picture! It makes me look like I'm saying "Listen, can you hear that? I think it's from The Sound of Music!"
      I'm going to change it to something more appropriate. Something that fools people into thinking that I am so much more than I really am :)

    2. Too old for drugs! That is a damn shame.

  3. I like your blog. I just read several entries. Sometimes I forget to read blogs. I want to be your cat right now. High and lolling around.

    1. Well, you know, he and I have that in common a lot of the time.
